Our production of Medea was a resounding success, well-received by audiences and critics, and a fitting finale to our Season of Violent Women. The production may be over, but you can relive the horror and heartbreak through these gorgeous production stills by our company photographer, Alexandra Tilling. Alexandra is an extremely talented wedding and events photographer, and we’re always blown away by the quality of her images and the way she captures the mood of our productions. To see more of her work and book photography services, visit her website, or find her on facebook, twitter, or instagram.

Rosa Whicker

Sinead Costelloe

SJ Brady

Director David Bullen

Movement Director Susanna Dye


SJ Brady/Medea in bed

Sinead Costelloe, SJ Brady, Rosa Whicker/Medea(s) in bed

Rosa Whicker/I Will Survive

Rosa Whicker, SJ Brady, Sinead Costelloe/Seeking power

Sinead Costelloe/The reception is lavish

Rosa Whicker/Breakfast

Sinead Costelloe/Golden strands

SJ Brady/Let me melt away

SJ Brady/He fears me now
Medea in happier times

Laughs and final bows

Chocolates in bed